Further Development

03 May 2022

I’ve been conducting further development of the website if one were to look at my commit history for the page. Several visual changes from the initial design have been made, though comparatively little has been changed for the layout. The splash page will need a good number of additions to it, but that’ll be something for the future (as I want to keep it simple for now as I learn). I’ve commented out the page about me as it contains the same information on my GitHub readme.md page. It isn’t a professional seeming blurb, with advice from others telling me that it seems to hop around even as casually as it is. I will have to admit that it was made during one of the summers of my time at the University of Florida State, but I’m sure I’ll be able to make it more professional looking in the future.

Spooling up PAINT.NET, I had went ahead and designed a little simple icon for the website; it’s somewhat designed out of the C++, C# hexagon, but it seems that the symbols “</>” are usually representative of programming for logo design. It’s not exactly something that I’d have as an actual logo, but I doubt I’ll end up hiring someone for one at the moment.

I figured out the positioning issue for the blog splash page, separating the h1 tag from underneath the div “hero-body” tag and into its own “hero-head” tag fixed it (though it did require further editing and positioning to get right).

Depending on when someone reads this post, you might be noticing the “testing-#” posts for the blog; those are simply test posts that I’ve conducted to test the Jekyll pagination. I ultimately had to resort to using the example code on the site to get the pagination working (it is also essentially what I was going to do without its presence, so that just made things easier).

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